Parker Rust Proof

Cleveland, OH 44112


About Parker Rust Proof


1688 Arabella Rd
Cleveland, OH 44112
United States of America

More Info on Parker Rust Proof

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Parker Rust Proof Parker Rust-Proof of Cleveland, Ohio specializes in cutting and coating of ferrous and non-ferrous metal tube and bar stock. We provide press-ready, pre-lubricated metal slugs for the hot and cold-forming industries. Our outstanding line of superior cold-forming lubricants for steel and aluminum was developed in-house by our chemists to assist customers in fabricating near-net-shape metal components and reducing their costs. We also specialize in applying custom coatings for the Militar...


Production supplies > Coatings, wear-resistant

Supplies > Production supplies > Lubricants, cutting

Dies & Die-Making Services

Supplies > Production supplies

Dies & Die-Making Services > Coating services

Dies & Die-Making Services > Die lubricants

Supplies > Production supplies > Lubricant Coatings


Supplies > Production supplies > Lubricants, forging

Services > Cutting/shearing services


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