The RPS-409A-96-5V Analog Ultrasonic Sensor has an output voltage range of 0-5VDC. The target range is 6 inches to 96 inches. The RPS-409A-96-5V needs no setup adjustment or calibration and has a linear analog output of 52mV per inch. The RPS-409A-96-5V has an internal temperature sensor to compensate for ambient air temperature changes. The RPS-409A-96-5V is designed to take advantage of today’s PLC and computer analog input cards. The analog card chosen will determine the resolution of the system. This sensor will fit a large variety of applications and is easy to use with no calibration required.
Analog Ultrasonic Sensor with an analog 0-5VDC Output, Temperature Compensation, and No Calibration Required
July 18, 2007
Related To: Migatron Corp